Quick Response Fund

The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) allocates Php 2 billion to the DepEd Quick Response Fund, a built-in budgetary allocation or standby emergency fund every year which will be used for the post-disaster reconstruction, repairs, and rehabilitation of school building facilities. When the QRF gets depleted, DepEd may request for replenishment with a request to DBM and to be approved by the Office of the President.

From 2016 to the First Quarter of 2022, various disasters destroyed DepEd School Buildings and Facilities. The repair and reconstruction projects have been funded by the DepEd Quick Response Fund (DepEd-QRF) and other funding sources such as DepEd Basic Education Facilities Fund (BEFF), and the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (NDRRMF). In the past year, more than Php 1.9 billion from the 2022 QRF was allocated for 215 schools for the repair and reconstruction of 2,427 classrooms affected by Severe Tropical Storm (STS) Maring, Typhoon (TY) Odette, fire incidents, and heavy rainfalls.